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belate, 2020

Be Late is an app created with the aim of putting an end to unpunctuality. This is achieved through a series of specific actions. The project includes the graphic identity, the creation of a website, an app and an advertising spot.


By Ismael Muñoz, Claudia Petisco, Ángela Martínez, Inma Nevado.

pinpoint, 2020

Pinpoint is a geolocation app that was created with the aim of saving on private vehicle journeys by analyzing gas station prices, calculating itineraries and registering the points of greatest influx of cars.

pocketparkRecurso 10.png

pocket park, 2021

Pocket Park is a project that listens, shares and adapts to the needs of its neighbours to make its surroundings a welcoming place, a place of reference and valued through its infrastructures and the values they promote. This is a project for the rehabilitation of a site located in Fuenlabrada. This section shows the graphic proposal.

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